Forget childcare worries. The Woodsmill Playroom has you covered!
It’s so easy. Just sign up 24 hours in advance with an email to [email protected]!
Then your child can play under the warm, watchful eyes of Karen McKnight and Sally Widenor in a space that’s all their own.

Some details:
Karen and Sally are in the Playroom Monday through Thursday 9 – 2 and Friday 9 – 3. Drop your child off 15 minutes ahead of your court time*, and pick them up the minute you’re off the court.
Please stay on the premises while your child is in our care, so no dropoffs for away Interclub or USTA matches.
The Playroom closes promptly at 2 pm every day but Friday, when the room closes promptly at 3.
Child care fees are $8 an hour for the first child and $4 per hour, per sibling.
And, please don’t bring your child in if there’s a chance they might be sick.